Race Officers Forum and Rules Evening
There were two well attended and informative evenings read at the club on Thursdays this March.
The first event one 14th March was the Rules evening, led by Stephanie Gunn and John Sears, was a very interactive discussion of rules that apply at various points around a race course, with lots of questions and discussion. The magnetic boats presented to the club a few years ago by Ben Thomas (on behalf of the Scouts) were put to good use.
If anyone has any rules-related questions then there are resources on the website ; or please let Stephanie or John know.
The second evening saw over 20 Race Officers and Assistants gathered at the club on the 21st March for a Race Officers Forum. Our Commodore had requested we conduct a forum to give our Race teams the opportunity to raise issues and feedback experiences. The Sailing Secretary provided a list of race management related subjects to stimulate the discussion which lasted 2 1/2 hours.
Many points were noted by the secretary for the Sailing Committee to attend to. The difficulties encountered by Race Clerks recording results, setting courses and start lines and the low number of female Race Officers are examples.
The notes are linked on the button below (and on the Race management page taken during the forum in due course.
Everyone in attendance felt we should repeat the gathering each year in future.